International Party

 News Detail



NEW! Opt in & Out of being selected by Schools

2017.03.14 (Tuesday)

While we initially made and so individual students could locate private teachers, schools also use our sites to locate teachers.

Recently, we have made is possible for you to display whether you are interested in teacher for schools or not.

To display if you'd like to be contacted for Full Time (FT) or Part time (PT) work at schools, log in at

and go to > Edit Profile tab > Languages > I can Teach > and you can select "Part time classes at language schools" or "Part time classes at language schools" or don't select either. This will make it easier for schools to find you (or not)

As you also may know,  you are not obliged in any way to accept offers from schools just becuase they found you on  

However, some schools have good & sometimes easy & sometime nearby classes & are willing to pay your hourly price. And some of these jobs turn into long-term profitable gigs for our teachers so please at least take a look at their offer.   Part-time work at schools can also be a good alternate way to network yourself.



